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IDCE 30334 - Climate and Social Justice

This course explores climate change, energy, development and policy using multiple perspectives, disciplines and scales. Fusing perspectives from both the natural and social sciences, this interdisciplinary course will grapple with diverse themes and issu

Citation Style Guides

Anatomy of a Citation

Cite This

Every record in our Discovery search features a set of tools, including citations.  These should be checked for accuracy using the document and style guides available.    Look for the "Cite" button on the right-hand toolbar.




Citation Management Software

These are two bibliography management software options (both free to Clarkies) that allow you to make libraries, generate citations, and keep your bibliography organized.

Endnote is free to Clark students through ITS if you follow this link.  Get help using Endnote through Clark's Endnote how-to guides: Download EndnoteCite SourcesAdd References, and Organize References

 Zotero is free and open-sourced online.  This is a non-Clark Youtube playlist of help guides for Zotero. 

Tips for conducting a literature review