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Open Access

Finding Open Access Materials

Many OA journals are integrated into the library's collection and will be included in search results. When searching in Discovery, use the filters to limit to Open Access content:

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Other Sources of Open Access Materials 

Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ): Index of open access journals published around the world. 

Directory of Open Access Repositories (OpenDOAR): Search or browse through registered repositories. 

Discipline Repositories:

PubMed Central: Archive of biomedical and life sciences articles 

ArXiv: Repository hosting articles in the fields of physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, economics and more.

Institutional Repositories:

Clark's Digital Commons: Full text, multimedia, online depository that provides access to the diverse array of scholarly, professional, scientific, and creative output produced or housed at Clark University.

Harvard University DASH: Repository hosting research published by members of the Harvard community 

Cornel University eCommons: Repository that houses works by Cornell faculty, staff and students.