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Political Science 146: The UN and International Politics

The objective of this course is to develop a solid understanding of the United Nations; its organizational structure; major actors in the UN System; and its policies and programs.


Sign in to the Clark University ILL System

Clark University is part of OCLC, an information-sharing network of libraries. Interlibrary Loan is a cooperative borrowing and lending service among these libraries.

Who may use Interlibrary Loan?

The Interlibrary Loan service is available to all current Clark University students, faculty, and staff.

How do I use Interlibrary Loan?

  • Sign in to the Clark University ILL System
  • Check the library catalog to see if the library owns what you need.
  • Completely fill out the Interlibrary Loan form. Make sure that you enter the full title of the publication when requesting periodical articles.

How much does it cost?

Generally there is no direct cost to you.

How long does Interlibrary Loan take?

The average time is two(2) business days for articles and up to two(2) weeks for books. Some requests have been known to take longer. Service is interrupted for weekends, breaks, and holidays. Effective use of Interlibrary Loan requires planning ahead.

How will I be notified when my materials come in, and where do I get them?

For books, you will be notified by email when they arrive.  Pick them up at the Circulation desk.

Articles (photocopies) that the Interlibrary Loan Department receives in electronic format will be sent to your email (which you provide on the Interlibrary Loan Form).

What materials are generally NOT available?

We will try to obtain almost anything on ILL but the following items are difficult to obtain.

  • Reference materials (eg. Oxford English Dictionary)
  • Material that is being used as a textbook in a current semester's course
  • Audio-visual materials (videos, cassettes, CD's)
  • Archival material

May I renew my interlibrary loan materials?

Yes. Renewal requests must be made at least two business days before the due date. The lending library decides whether or not to renew the material and for how long. Contact the ILL staff through the Clark University ILL System to place a renewal request.  You will be notified by email regarding the status of the Renewal Request.

Where do I return my Interlibrary Loan materials?

Materials should be returned to the Circulation desk where you picked them up.

Further Questions?

Complete ILL policy.  Please call (x7163) or send an email to