Use the EndNote Cite While You Write (CWYW) Plug-in to insert references, and format citations and bibliographies automatically while you write your papers in Word.
The EndNote plug-in should be added when you install EndNote on your computer.
Note: If after installation, you do not see an EndNote Tab in Microsoft Word Ribbon or Tools Menu, Check Word Options Tab in Windows or Chooser in the Mac.
Inserting References in your MS Word document
- Open Word and choose EndNote X9 from the ribbon.
- Place your cursor in a Word document where you want a citation to appear and use the Insert Citation to search for citations in EndNote OR open Endnote, find a citation in your EndNote Library and choose " to insert the citation into your document.
- To cite multiple documents in one in-text citation, make sure the cursor is next to the first citation before you add in the new one.
- Use Edit and Manage Citations to change the order of citations, or to make any modifications in the citation (exclude author, year, or show only in bibliography). You may also add page numbers.
- As you add citations, EndNote also formats the bibliography or reference page.